Leadership Programs

I wanted my dogs to be able to be included in every aspect of my life successfully
and they are. Would you like to be off leash forever? I Did.

Leadership programs are at your home and are 1-3 hours in length and usually address a variety of owner concerns. Leadership programs include 8 weeks of telephone support.

Leadership programs are 1-3 hours in length or longer if necessary. Clients prepare a list of concerns. Telephone support is free for 8 weeks. While the extent of the dog’s improvement will vary from dog to dog, this program has had an unblemished record of success for clients following up on our recommendations consistently. Client commitment and consistency are usually the keys to making the improvements they want.

What happens at a consultation?
1. We review the client’s list of concerns
2. Investigate how the problems started when possible
3. Determine what needs to happen to change the behavior – the program, or the schedule what what gets addressed first if theres more then 1 issue
4. The program addresses the issues – we explain how and why it works and tailor it to rotate around the clients daily schedule.
5. We teach you how to measure the dog’s progress and comfort or lack of it -very comforting for owner and dog.
6. Telephone support is included and necessary for 8 weeks of follow up

This program is for all dogs exhibiting:
•Destructive behaviour with owners present
•Aggressive behaviours towards humans and other dogs
•Non-stop barking when owners are home or when visitors arrive
•Over exuberant behaviour when guests arrive
•Hyperactivity – rambunctious at home with visitors
•Stealing articles or food
•Bolting out doors or running away
•”Untrustworthy” off leash (dogs that have already been trained)
•Restlessness – can’t settle down in some or all situations
•Barking or whining at owners for attention
•Behaviours that prevent them from being able to live successfully in or out of the house with us.

The seeds for these issues to grow were planted during the dog’s socialization period (8 – 16 weeks). The leadership program is a reset button to train or retrain. Its the second chance we have to change some behaviours that cause concern.

The leadership program will accomplish:
•More successful non-stressful communication
•A calm dog that is more relaxed in & out of our home
•A dog we can trust off leash
•A happier dog & owner than ever before
